STK_PARETOFIND finds non-dominated rows in an array CALL: [NDPOS, DRANK] = stk_paretofind (X) returns the indices NDPOS such that X(NDPOS, :) contains all non- dominated rows of X, sorted in (ascending) lexical order. A row X(i, :) is said to dominate another row X(j, :) if X(i, k) <= X(j, k) for all k in {1, 2, ..., d} and X(i, k) < X(j, k) for at least one such k, where d is the number of columns. In other words: smaller is better. For each row X(i, :), DRANK(i) is equal to zero if the row is non- dominated, and equal to the smallest j such that X(i, :) is dominated by X(NDPOS(j), :) otherwise. See also: sortrows, stk_isdominated, stk_dominatedhv