STK_SAMPLING_REGULARGRID builds a regular grid CALL: X = stk_sampling_regulargrid (N, DIM) builds a regular grid in the DIM-dimensional hypercube [0; 1]^DIM. If N is an integer, a grid of size N is built; in this case, acceptable sizes are such that N^(1/DIM) is an integer. If N is a vector of length N, a grid of size prod(N) is built, with N(j) points on coordinate j. CALL: X = stk_sampling_regulargrid (N, DIM, BOX) does the same thing in the DIM-dimensional hyperrectangle specified by the argument BOX, which is a 2 x DIM matrix where BOX(1, j) and BOX(2, j) are the lower- and upper-bound of the interval on the j^th coordinate. See also: linspace