STK_TESTFUN_BOREHOLE computes the "borehole model" response function CALL: Y = stk_testfun_borehole (X) computes the responses Y(i, :) of the "borehole model" [1-3] for the input vectors X(i, :). The output Y is the water flow rate through the borehole (m3/yr). The input variables (columns of X) are: X(:, 1) = rw radius of borehole (m), X(:, 2) = r radius of influence (m), X(:, 3) = Tu transmissivity of upper aquifer (m2/yr), X(:, 4) = Hu potentiometric head of upper aquifer (m), X(:, 5) = Tl transmissivity of lower aquifer (m2/yr), X(:, 6) = Hl potentiometric head of lower aquifer (m), X(:, 7) = L length of borehole (m), X(:, 8) = Kw hydraulic conductivity of borehole (m/yr), and their usual domain of variation is: input_domain = stk_hrect ([ ... 0.05 100 63070 990 63.1 700 1120 9855; ... 0.15 50000 115600 1110 116.0 820 1680 12045], ... {'rw', 'r', 'Tu', 'Hu', 'Tl', 'Hl', 'L', 'Kw'}) REFERENCES [1] Harper, W. V. & Gupta, S. K. (1983). Sensitivity/uncertainty analysis of a borehole scenario comparing Latin Hypercube Sampling and determinis- tic sensitivity approaches. Technical report BMI/ONWI-516, Battelle Memorial Inst., Office of Nuclear Waste Isolation, Columbus, OH (USA). [2] Morris, M. D., Mitchell, T. J. & Ylvisaker, D. (1993). Bayesian design and analysis of computer experiments: use of derivatives in surface prediction. Technometrics, 35(3):243-255. [3] Surjanovic, S. & Bingham, D. Virtual Library of Simulation Experiments: Test Functions and Datasets. Retrieved February 1, 2016, from